
Student Demographics


The interactive dashboard provides demographic information on the current student population at KPSAHS. This information includes race/ethnicity, gender, and geographic location. The dashboard presents the information as a whole, the entire institution, upon opening. The viewer may then filter by program to see the demographic make-up of the selected cohort. As filters are selected or removed the charts in the dashboard change to reflect the selected filters.

As you can see when panning out on the interactive map, as an institution KPSAHS draws students from as far north as the Washington/Oregon border and as far south as the California/Mexico border. To drill down to programmatic information simply use the filters on the right side of the dashboard. Viewers can drill down to demographic information by program, or even by program and graduation year.


  1. Demographic Data analysis was conducted for students with a status of “active” on 7/15/2024

  2. Because the phlebotomy program is only one term, to accurately reflect the demographic make-up of the program, all cohorts who have enrolled in the 2024 calendar year were included. This includes two graduated cohorts from 2024

  3. Programs included in the analysis:

    • Diagnostic Medical Sonography - General and Cardiac cohorts
    • Medical Assisting
    • Master’s in Counseling
    • Nuclear Medicine
    • Phlebotomy
    • Radiography - Day and Evening cohorts

  4. Students self identify demographic information during the application process.

  5. Total Number of Students = 342