[name] => Array
[#type] => textfield
[#title] => Username or email address
[#size] => 60
[#maxlength] => 60
[#required] => 1
[#description] => Please enter a valid email address or your KPSAHS username
[#element_validate] => Array
[0] => login_emailusername_user_login_validate
[pass] => Array
[#type] => password
[#title] => Password
[#description] => Enter the password that accompanies your username.
[#required] => 1
[#validate] => Array
[0] => user_login_name_validate
[1] => user_login_authenticate_validate
[2] => user_login_final_validate
[actions] => Array
[#type] => actions
[submit] => Array
[#type] => submit
[#value] => Log in
[#form_id] => user_login
[#type] => form
[#build_id] => form-jkYmNIA4y9ALAepg2pWV-gzb3tU5dc1nokHgD23rAkg
[form_build_id] => Array
[#type] => hidden
[#value] => form-jkYmNIA4y9ALAepg2pWV-gzb3tU5dc1nokHgD23rAkg
[#id] => form-jkYmNIA4y9ALAepg2pWV-gzb3tU5dc1nokHgD23rAkg
[#name] => form_build_id
[#parents] => Array
[0] => form_build_id
[form_id] => Array
[#type] => hidden
[#value] => user_login
[#id] => edit-user-login
[#parents] => Array
[0] => form_id
[#id] => user-login
[#method] => post
[#action] => /user
[#theme_wrappers] => Array
[0] => form
[#tree] =>
[#parents] => Array
[#submit] => Array
[0] => user_login_submit
[#theme] => Array
[0] => user_login
[captcha] => Array
[#type] => captcha
[#captcha_type] => recaptcha/reCAPTCHA
[#weight] => 98.9
User account | Kaiser Permanente School of Allied Health Sciences